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Muffin Tips
Muffin Tips
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Muffin Tips

To make sure your muffins are perfect every time, fold ingredients carefully and avoid over mixing. Over mixing makes the muffins tough.

Weigh out all your ingredients before beginning to bake and have the oven heated to the correct temperature before placing muffins in the oven.

One of my secrets to baking great muffins is to get them into the oven as soon as the liquid is added to the baking powder. This is because as soon as they’re combined they start to rise. Baking powder reacts with the liquid and heat – it starts to bubble when mixed with wet ingredients and then on heating releases carbon dioxide and makes the muffins rise.

Use an oil spray to easily grease your muffin tins.

Try using Wattie’s peaches, apricots or diced apples as a substitute for the pears.