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Best ever cheese on toast!
Best ever cheese on toast!
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Best ever cheese on toast!

Nothing is more satisfying than delicious, oozy, golden and bubbling cheese on toast. It all starts with great ingredients. For the best results we used Egmont Cheese. It grills crispy with a less oily finish which means it looks and tastes better, making the best ever cheese on toast!

Here are our some of our other tips for the perfect cheese on toast:

  • Grate the cheese for a quick and easy melt.
  • Lightly toast the bread in a toaster first.
  • Sprinkle cheese evenly over the toast ensuring no bread is left showing.
  • Grill under a hot preheated grill for best results.
  • Use thick toast sliced bread or even better cut it off the loaf yourself to ensure it is thick enough to handle your toppings.

Want more flavour? Try these other ideas to create the ultimate cheese on toast experience:

  • Spread another layer of flavour on the toast before sprinkling with cheese and grilling. Try Marmite or Vegemite, pesto, mustard, pickle, garlic butter, relish or any other favourite sandwich spread.
  • Add finely chopped red onion, spring onions, tomato or fresh herbs such as basil, parsley or oregano to your grated cheese.
  • Layer (or sprinkle chopped) ham, salami, cooked bacon or sundried tomatoes for more intense flavours.
  • Add a pinch of cayenne pepper, a splash of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce or tabasco sauce, or a dollop of HP Sauce to your grated cheese.

Whichever way you decide to make your cheese on toast, enjoy and savour this simple yet delicious snack!